[ENAM 0103]
Reading Literature

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Professor: Wright C

Value of Course / Overall Score

Not Much (0%
Average (20%)
Valuable (80%)


Friendly (0%)
Average (40%)
Competitive (60%)

Class Atmosphere

Boring (80%)
Average (20%)
Fascinating (0%)

Prep Time Needed

1-2hr (20%)
3-5hr (80%)
6-8hr (0%)
9-11hr (0%)
12+ hr (0%)

Grade Weighting

Harder (0%)
Average (0%)
Easier (100%)

Adequate Assistance

Yes (100%)
No (0%)

Would Recommend Class

Yes (80%)
No (20%)

Evaluation Comments for Wright C

  1. No Comment
  2. Take this class only if you want basic knowledge about writing (ie how to plan your essay, pre-write, and then finally organize your ideas). The class had a very friendly and accepting atmosphere, but it was so broad and beginning-feeling that it felt like a simple high school writing course. If you're looking for help on essay writing, take this course, but if you're looking to learn about more interesting literature concepts, stay away.
  3. I highly recommend this course.
  4. ms. wright is a CTLR lecturer that took the 4th section of enam103. it was a nice surprise - paced well, understood college pressures of work, available for assistance. class consisted of response papers to readings for every class until may. some online blogging, about 4 major papers and a final paper. discussions were intriguing at times; however, her ways of carrying discussions felt more like a psyc. meeting: "what did YOU think, ok so how does that make you feel...". Got to attend Cabaret and Sexy & War symposium for class! Pretty good class overall
  5. Loved her. I would highly recommend Catharine Wright to any english major needing reading lit as a requirement.

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My Evaluation of Reading Literature by Wright C

1 Value of course and concepts to overall education:
2 Did you find the material presented ...
3 Overall class atmosphere:
4 Hours per week spent preparing for class:
5 Were your grades deserving of your efforts?
6 Professor or assistants were available to help, if needed:
7 Would you take another class with this professor?
8Would you recommend this class to a friend: