[ITAL 0354]
Epoche della Letteratura Italiana I: Introduzione al Periodo Mod

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Professor: Van Order M

Value of Course / Overall Score

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Average (100%)
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Class Atmosphere

Boring (100%)
Average (0%)
Fascinating (0%)

Prep Time Needed

1-2hr (100%)
3-5hr (0%)
6-8hr (0%)
9-11hr (0%)
12+ hr (0%)

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Easier (100%)

Adequate Assistance

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Evaluation Comments for Van Order M

  1. Overall, I enjoyed this class, but I feel that my experience in this class was different than what other classes might be. There were only four of us in the class, and we all knew each other well, so I felt like it was more of a book club than an actual class. Professor Van Order always provided valuable insight during our discussions, but after a while the class became repetitive: we did the same thing every day- discuss the reading we had done the night before. I viewed this class as a necessity, and Van Order did a good job of critiquing our writing (for the most part) speaking skills.

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My Evaluation of Epoche della Letteratura Italiana I: Introduzione al Periodo Mod by Van Order M

1 Value of course and concepts to overall education:
2 Did you find the material presented ...
3 Overall class atmosphere:
4 Hours per week spent preparing for class:
5 Were your grades deserving of your efforts?
6 Professor or assistants were available to help, if needed:
7 Would you take another class with this professor?
8Would you recommend this class to a friend: