INSTRUCTIONS : Click class or professor names to see scores, Click to submit your own review.

[SPAN 0101] Beginning Spanish I

[Span 0102] Begining Spanish II

[SPAN 0103] Beginning Spanish III

[SPAN 0105] Accelerated Basic Spanish

[SPAN 0201] Intermediate Spanish

[SPAN 0219] Self-Expression in Spanish

[SPAN 0220] Intermediate Spanish II

[SPAN 0300] Introduction to Hispanic Literature

[SPAN 0301] Advanced Spanish Grammar

[SPAN 0303] Intro Spanish Phonetics/Pronunciations

[SPAN 0304] Ideas and Cultures of Spain

[SPAN 0305] Ideas and Cultures of Spanish America

[SPAN 0306] Literature of Spain

[SPAN 0307] The Literature of Spanish America

[SPAN 0308] Spain and Spanish America

[SPAN 0312] Hispanic Poetry

[SPAN 0313] Hispanic Short Story

[SPAN 0314] Hispanic Essay

[SPAN 0315] Hispanic Film

[SPAN 0322] Hispanic Linguistics

[SPAN 0332] Buenos Aires: City/Culture

[SPAN 0335] Modernity in Latin American Poetry

[SPAN 0350] Los Raros: Alternative Fiction

[SPAN 0352] Spanish Literary Realism

[SPAN 0354] Cervantes: Novelas ejemplares

[SPAN 0356] Writings from the Andes

[SPAN 0357] Crime, Mystery, Detection in Latin America

[SPAN 0364] Educating Women

[SPAN 0371] Don Quixote / Visual Culture

[SPAN 0373] Painting and Poetry

[SPAN 0376] US Latino Narrative

[SPAN 0377] Latin American Cinema of the 1960s

[SPAN 0378] Latin American Visual Culture

[SPAN 0382] Representations of Popular Culture in Spanish and Spanish Americ

[SPAN 0383] Mexican Revolution & The Arts

[SPAN 0389] Latin America Today

[SPAN 0390] Linguistic Variation

[SPAN 0395] JM Arguedas: Beyond Indigenismo

[SPAN 0402] Cervantes y Don Quixote

[SPAN 0420] Latin America Comic Books

[SPAN 0421] The Nationalisms of Spain

[SPAN 0422] Linguistic Plurality of Spain

[SPAN 0435] Spanish in the United States

[SPAN 0438] Latin American Transnational Experience

[SPAN 0479] Postmodern Span Am Narrative

[SPAN 0481] Rewriting Golden Age Poetry

[SPAN 0488] Borges

[SPAN 0489] Literature of Fantasy

[SPAN 0700] Senior Honors Thesis

[SPAN 0705] Senior Honors Thesis

[WAGS 0458] Love in Modern Spain

[WAGS 500] Independent Study