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[SOAN 0103] Topics in Sociocultural Anthropology
[SOAN 0105] Society and the Individual
[SOAN 0107] Introduction to Archaeology
[SOAN 0159] Human Origins, Culture, and Biodiversity
[SOAN 0159] Human Origins, Culture, and Biodiversity
[SOAN 0161] Primary Health-Care Preceptorship
[SOAN 0170] Anthropology Through the Arts
[SOAN 0191] Introduction to Sociology of Gender
[SOAN 0201] Sociology of Labor
[SOAN 0208] Sociology of American Religion
[SOAN 0211] Human Ecology
[SOAN 0212] Family in Contemporary Society
[SOAN 0215] Sociology of Education
[SOAN 0227] Race & Ethnicity Amer Politics
[SOAN 0228] Deviance and Social Control
[SOAN 0234] Contemporary Israel
[SOAN 0235] The City and Its People
[SOAN 0252] Social Psychology in Sociology
[SOAN 0252] Social Psychology in Sociology
[SOAN 0267] Global Health
[SOAN 0288] Deviance and Social Control
[SOAN 0301] Survey Research/Lab
[SOAN 0302] Ethnographic Research
[SOAN 0304] Women, Culture and Power
[SOAN 0305] Topics in Sociological Theory
[SOAN 0306] Anthropology Theory
[SOAN 0307] Social Moves & Collective Actions
[SOAN 0311] Sociology and Sexual Politics
[SOAN 0312] Sociology of Sport
[SOAN 0314] Sociology of Heterosexuality
[SOAN 0317] Transgender History, Identity, and Politics
[SOAN 0325] Native North America
[SOAN 0326] Latin American Culture Society
[SOAN 0327] Aztec Empire/Spanish Conquest
[SOAN 0328] The Ancient Maya
[SOAN 0329] Latin Migrations to U.S.
[SOAN 0332] Africa Continuity and Change
[SOAN 0335] Anthropology of China
[SOAN 0337] Resistance and Global Feminism
[SOAN 0338] Russian Society in the 20th Century
[SOAN 0340] Anthropology Human Rights
[SOAN 0355] Race and Ethnicity
[SOAN 0356] Significance of Race in the US
[SOAN 0357] Death and the Body
[SOAN 0359] Language and Power
[SOAN 0367] Anthropology & American Indians
[SOAN 0373] Anthropology of Science & Technology
[SOAN 0380] Anthropology of Religion
[SOAN 0387] Medical Anthropology: Approaches to Affliction and Healing
[SOAN 0415] Issues in Higher Education
[SOAN 0418] Poverty and Public Policy
[SOAN 0459] Language and Power Seminar
[SOAN 0461] Globalization Reconsidered
[SOAN 0465] Sociology of Tourism
[SOAN 0478] Sociology of Punishment
[SOAN 0500] Advanced Individual Study
[SOAN 0710] Senior Thesis