[LITS 0101]
Introduction to World Literature

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Professor: mula

Value of Course / Overall Score

Not Much (0%
Average (33.3%)
Valuable (66.7%)


Friendly (16.7%)
Average (16.7%)
Competitive (66.7%)

Class Atmosphere

Boring (100%)
Average (0%)
Fascinating (0%)

Prep Time Needed

1-2hr (0%)
3-5hr (16.7%)
6-8hr (50%)
9-11hr (16.7%)
12+ hr (16.7%)

Grade Weighting

Harder (16.7%)
Average (0%)
Easier (83.3%)

Adequate Assistance

Yes (100%)
No (0%)

Would Recommend Class

Yes (83.3%)
No (16.7%)

Evaluation Comments for mula

  1. Mula is very friendly and fosters a friendly class atmosphere. His grading is fair and he makes lots of comments on papers, and he's lax about both deadlines and rewrites. We read a really wide variety of literature, from five continents and across 4,000 years of literary history; some of it was a little boring, most was fairly interesting, and a couple books were absolutely fascinating. Not that I need to say it as this point, but I highly recommend this class.
  2. Prof. Mula is without question the best I've had at Middlebury. He is always available for help, and he genuinely cares about each of his students. We read books that I would never have studied otherwise, and I felt like my writing really improved. If not World Lit, make sure to take at least one class with this man.
  3. Professor Mula is friendly, however, he is very harsh on paper. Never really offers constuctive criticism. He would make you write 3/4 drafts for one paper. And after all the hard work, he still doesnt give you what you deserve. The time and energy i have invested his class are beyond imagination, yet he dismisses my work effort adn ethics like it's nothing. There are much better lit. professors here.
  4. I agree with the above statement about Prof. Mula. If you can take this class with him, do so! Not only does he know his stuff, he is also very friendly, helpful, approachable and organised. He can be a tough grader, but his comments on your paper are useful. I would recommend this class for anyone contemplating a major or minor in English, or even if you just need that college writing credit.
  5. For me, the material we read in this class was just alright. Fortunately Professor Mula, through his enthusiasm, has the ability to make a dull topic into an engaging one. This is certainly not an easy class, but there's a great professor and it gets rid of the CW requirement as well as several others.
  6. World Lit is an easy way to get around taking the more basic Reading Literature requirement if you're considering an English major or minor. It reaches further than most lit classes at Midd reach and is actually able to introduce students to new things. We didn't read Huck Finn; that should be enough. Mula's possibly the greatest professor here if only because he truly cares about interpreting the material with you. Take the class. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it.

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My Evaluation of Introduction to World Literature by mula

1 Value of course and concepts to overall education:
2 Did you find the material presented ...
3 Overall class atmosphere:
4 Hours per week spent preparing for class:
5 Were your grades deserving of your efforts?
6 Professor or assistants were available to help, if needed:
7 Would you take another class with this professor?
8Would you recommend this class to a friend: