[LITS 0101]
Introduction to World Literature

Rate This Class

Professor: Berg, J

Value of Course / Overall Score

Not Much (0%
Average (66.7%)
Valuable (33.3%)


Friendly (33.3%)
Average (33.3%)
Competitive (33.3%)

Class Atmosphere

Boring (33.3%)
Average (66.7%)
Fascinating (0%)

Prep Time Needed

1-2hr (0%)
3-5hr (66.7%)
6-8hr (33.3%)
9-11hr (0%)
12+ hr (0%)

Grade Weighting

Harder (0%)
Average (0%)
Easier (100%)

Adequate Assistance

Yes (100%)
No (0%)

Would Recommend Class

Yes (33.3%)
No (66.7%)

Evaluation Comments for Berg, J

  1. DO NOT take this class unless you are interested in a lot of reading and critically analyzing literature. This class is for people who like analyzing someone else creativity, if you are someone who likes reading literature from 500+ years ago and discussing it then take this class. If you don't like reading 500+ hogwash and analyzing someone else's work and you sign up for this class you will be miserable and class will be painful and the 3 essays (7-8 pages each) will be excruciatingly dull endeavors. cherio
  2. Be ready for lots of reading. But the course is great fun, and Berg is the guy to take it with!
  3. While Professor Berg is a great guy, the structure of the course is such that each professor does not actually know very much about each book. The classes are basically just a semi-directed discussion, with the exception of the Tuesday night lecture, when a guest speaker would come (which was either amazing or pointless). There's not much work other than reading, and it still counts as a CW credit. However, almost all of the books we read were written by Western authors, making it hard to call it a "World Literature" course.

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My Evaluation of Introduction to World Literature by Berg, J

1 Value of course and concepts to overall education:
2 Did you find the material presented ...
3 Overall class atmosphere:
4 Hours per week spent preparing for class:
5 Were your grades deserving of your efforts?
6 Professor or assistants were available to help, if needed:
7 Would you take another class with this professor?
8Would you recommend this class to a friend: