[PHYS 0109]
Newtonian Physics

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Professor: Dunham J

Value of Course / Overall Score

Not Much (0%
Average (33.3%)
Valuable (66.7%)


Friendly (16.7%)
Average (16.7%)
Competitive (66.7%)

Class Atmosphere

Boring (66.7%)
Average (33.3%)
Fascinating (0%)

Prep Time Needed

1-2hr (0%)
3-5hr (33.3%)
6-8hr (66.7%)
9-11hr (0%)
12+ hr (0%)

Grade Weighting

Harder (16.7%)
Average (0%)
Easier (83.3%)

Adequate Assistance

Yes (100%)
No (0%)

Would Recommend Class

Yes (66.7%)
No (33.3%)

Evaluation Comments for Dunham J

  1. Dunham is a very grandfathery-type professor. Which is great, if your into that sort of physics
  2. Professor Dunham doesn't mess around; he teaches Physics for Physic's sake. What I mean is that he won't simplify things or make them easy, and he definitely wants you to have a deep understanding of all the concepts presented, so you can count on him to spend lots of time proving formulas and not as much time applying those formulas to complex examples. For the most part, you have to figure out how to apply those formulas yourself, but he does a good job of preparing you to do that. Another thing to keep in mind is that he assigned about 3-4x the work for 109 as some of my friends who took it with a different professor.
  3. Lectures are ridiculously boring. Dunham makes an effort to explain everything thoroughly, but sometimes it's overkill. He'll spend half an hour explaining a problem that I could have done in under 10 minutes, easily. The class is really easy though, if you do the work.
  4. a lot of people taking this course complain about how the lecture is too abstract and not very related to problem solving. the material presented in the lecture may not have to do with the problems sets, which can be a difficulty if you've never studied physics before but the lectures were in my opinion still valuable. Prof Dunham tried to prove every single formula that we used in class which i think is important for a scientist to learn. if you're taking this course only because you have to (premed etc) then you may find the lecutres boring. The homework consists of 3 problem sets a week and for someone who already studied ap physics only 10% of the problems are challenging.
  5. If you make a significant effort in his class, Dunham will care a lot about your success in the class and physics in general.
  6. Prof Dunham is a great professor who tells you why the formulas you use in problems are true. Some people who don't care about the derivations of formulas may find the lectures boring but that is what physics is really about. 3 problem sets every week which are only moderately challenging. The labs are not too bad. Good intro to physics.

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My Evaluation of Newtonian Physics by Dunham J

1 Value of course and concepts to overall education:
2 Did you find the material presented ...
3 Overall class atmosphere:
4 Hours per week spent preparing for class:
5 Were your grades deserving of your efforts?
6 Professor or assistants were available to help, if needed:
7 Would you take another class with this professor?
8Would you recommend this class to a friend: